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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't like working at your brothels?

Then you should leave. You are not obligated to work for us if you do not want to. With a student visa you can work wherever you want in Australia for whoever you want.

Do I have to pay you anything to get my visa?

No. Not a single cent. You will have to pay the government for your visa, an airline for your ticket and an insurer for your health insurance. You will however make all that back in one good day working for us.

Can my friends also come out with me?

Yes, if they fit our criteria, (over 18 years of age with sex worker experience) they can be part of the same program and work , study and live with you in Australia.

Can I bring family members to Australia with me?

Yes. Talk to us if you are interested in this.

Is there a minimum term I will need to stay in Australia?

No, you can leave whenever you want.

What is the longest I can stay?

On a student visa 5 years, you can however apply for permanent residency, there are no guarantees you will get it but we will help you with the application if you decide you would like to become an Australian resident.

How do I get started?

Fill in the form below. There are no obligations, filling in the form just gets us talking about the posibilities.


Apply here!

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